Start your bussiness with low fee. You can use our refferal link you can get free $100 credits for 60 days on Digital Ocean.
Do you need help?
Digital Ocean is a hosting/server provider. You can use it for good starts. We can install your system on Digital Ocean servers. So you will not have problems with your server.
All websites have too many files. And all websites has background proccesses. So you need put that all files and tasks to a virtual machine. So that’s why you need servers.
If you register to Digital Ocean with our referral link you will get free $100 for your server for 60 days. You can rgister without our referral too but you can not get free usage on Digital Ocean.
Sure, you can use whichever you want. And we can install your system on all server providers. We just recomended Digital Ocean cause it’s performance for startups.